Since I started on my photographic career years ago, color has always been a large part of my work. At first, I edited everything the same way, essentially throwing a filter over the photo, not knowing how to alter it from there. But over time, I learned to use color as a storytelling tool, and my knowledge of color grading grew.  I started as any photographer does, finding Lightroom presets that looked nice, and that made my work look good with one click.

Slowly, ever so slowly, I learned how to use Lightroom to create signature color styles that fit with the work I made. I made many presets, copying settings from previous photo shoots, altering them slightly, making them work for different lighting.

And with all of these presets that I kept creating, I gained a better understanding of how colors interact with each other, and how, like with light/contrast/composition, color can help tell a story, and how it can drastically change the mood of your image.

After years of tweaking, I have built a set of 12 carefully crafted Adobe Lightroom presets, designed, with the variety of work I do in mind, to work on various types of images and lighting scenarios.

There are 4 different preset packs: Natural Light, Noir, Portrait, and Studio (plus a secret bonus).

The beauty of these presets is that, yes, they can make an image feel complete with one click, but these are much more. They are an ecosystem, and a foundation that you can build upon and create a unique personal style. I personally edit every single portrait session differently, and while I use these presets every time, I use them as a base, and almost always tweak and alter them to give each session it's own feel, while still maintaining a cohesive look across all of my work.

I'm really excited to have these out in the world, and see what you all create with them. 

Three things to know about these presets before you buy them:

1) By default, these presets are XMP file format. Requires Adobe Lightroom Classic v7.3 or higher

2) Do NOT share or trade presets. Just as you expect your clients to invest in your time and skill, I expect the same. If you are found to have shared these presets, I hope that your hard drives fail and your lenses fall off.

3) These presets are designed to be a foundation for color grading, not to be a one click solution. Some adjustments may be required depending on your image and lighting.

Enjoy, have fun, and CREATE!

What photographers are saying

Neil Mel - Fine Art Photographer

Minneapolis, Minnesota

“Sequoyah has done a wonderful job with this collection of presets. They are all unique in their own way and yet as a body they are cohesive to where you could have them lined up next to each other and you would know they are part of the same style. I feel that these presets have helped portray the moodiness of my art more than ever. Am beyond excited to incorporate these into more of my work.”

Image by Neil Mel, edited with SI PRESETS //

View more of Neil’s work here

Patrick Farabaugh - Publisher, Our Lives Magazine

Madison, Wisconsin

“I've been a hobby photographer for most of my life, but in the last few years I have been trying to take my work a bit more seriously. I've wanted to elevate it to being fine art. I've cultivated the accounts I follow on Instagram to be a creative incubator, filled with artists who's passions and talents have helped them carve out their own distinguishable aesthetic.

Sequoyah's unique style of lighting, retouching and color grading stand out as some of the best I've found anywhere in the country. I've found myself wanting to learn as much as I can from him and his creative process. When I got the chance to try some of his new preset packs on some of my original images, I was really impressed by how they transformed how I saw my own work. Images that were beginning to feel tired to me felt alive again in new ways. I've also been able to explore some of the settings he's built to learn and expand new techniques of my own.

I am inspired by Sequoyah's work, excited to watch it continue to evolve, and grateful that he's begun sharing some of that creative journey with all of us.”

Image by Patrick Farabaugh, edited using SI PRESETS //

See more of Patrick’s work here

Rachel Langlois - Fine Art Portrait Photographer

Houston, Texas

“These presets are just GORGEOUS. I normally don't like to use presets in my work--I end up just doing my own hand edits since I haven't quite found a preset that matches the vision I have for my work. However, I love the color toning I get from these presets. The presets subtly affect the shadows and highlights, which is important to the quality of images. Plus colors work together beautifully. I especially love the way the presets affect the reds, blues, and cyans in an image specifically. It gives such a distinct look and works for both moody or ethereal images!”

Image by Rachel Langlois, edited using SI PRESETS //

See more of Rachel’s work here

Marc J. Franklin - Photographer/Photo Editor

NYC, New York

"As a photographer, I initially avoided presets. As artists, we want to lead with our own voice rather than adapting someone else’s. But what I love about these presets is that they aren’t filters. They’re so much more than that: they are a springboard. With their astute mastery of tone, color theory, texture, and balance, these presets act as a foundation upon which other photographers can continue to develop their work. I had a blast editing with them and playing in the sandbox Sequoyah has created with his expertise."

Image by Marc J. Franklin, edited using SI PRESETS //

View more of Marc’s work here